This blog is dedicated to raising funds and awareness about Victoria and her plight. Victoria age six needs to be adopted by Nov 2013 or will be placed in an institution. We are hoping to raise the money that will enable a loving family to adopt her. The goal is $25,000. Please join with us to change Victoria World.
"And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere... to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

The season of giving.....Victoria needs a family, prayers, donations....Please help!!!!

Mommy I need you, I'm trying to be patient, but I'm tried and I can't wait til you hold me tight and make everything better!!!
All I want for Christmas is YOU!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your blog! I love everything you've written. Praying for sweet Vika!!!!! Please join me in praying for Michelle (6), another little blind girl on RR! :) Psyched to help find funds and families for these beautiful girls! I feel just like you how quickly their time is running out to be brought into the families they need and deserve. Please let me know what I can do to help you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
